Monday, July 14, 2008

A Democratic Education
Category: News and Politics

It might be that it's July, or that November isn't that far way, but I have been thinking quite a bit lately what it means to be patriotic. There seems to be some discussion and disagreement about the concept recently. The other night, I had the opportunity to watch what our nation's Founders portrayed in a wonderful staging of 1776 by Michael Ballam's Utah Festival Opera. The production's humor and music made the serious nature of what those Individuals did even more poignant. These are interesting and significant times--I don't think it's overstating that we live one of the more critical times in our nation's history.

What that means for me is that education is more important than ever to help us create the kind of democratic society we want for our future together as a country. Today, I had the opportunity to meet with several our state leaders--everyone of them recognized the importance of education--each in politically different ways. I was struck by the need we will have in the future for good men and women to rise up from this society ready to participate and lead. Are we ready? Or will we realize what it takes, but too late?

I've not been blogging for a while now, but I plan now to continue commenting on the state of democracy and the role of education. Responses are welcome.

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