Monday, November 28, 2011


On November 5th, while in Chicago for the NAME  conference, I walked by the financial district where OWS has been gathering.  As a student of history, a teacher of literature and writing, a debate coach and all-around news-nerd (not to mention part of the  99%, right?), I couldn't resist.  During the morning their wasn't much participation, but by the time I returned in the evening, there were probably a couple hundred people occupying the corner of LaSalle and Jackson.  Things were still pretty subdued, with only drums and some call and repeat: This is what democracy looks like."  Of course, after I left the city, things got interesting (though still polite; this is still the Midwest after all) with the arrest of several senior citizens demonstrating in the intersection.  The pictures above inspired a sampling of  "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay.

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